Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Two hours into Lake Victoria with horizontal rain, wind and dark skies (on a tiny boat), we finally crossed the equator and reached Ngamba Island.

Absolutely amazing place. The chimps here are all confiscated from the mainland and have been trafficked or kept as pets. They are all orphans and live in a small forest on the island.  Staff are well trained and they have access to amazing veterinary facilities on the island.  Just watch out you don't get hit by a rock from a mischievous chimp!

Failed Visit to the Waterfalls

We were all set for a day out at the waterfalls (despite torrential rain) but unfrtunately he bus had other ideas.  The bus (after deciding to go offroad) ended up stuck in a muddy marsh where the bridge had collapsed.  Cue more local villagers to the rescue!

Unimpressed girls abandoned the bus- much to the amusement of the shocked local children whoi wer were later informed had never seen musunga's (white faces) before.

Despite being bombared with village children we made the most of the sunshine! then a photoshoot seemed like a good idea to pass the time......

strike a pose!

Unfortunately, despite the white bus being freed it got lost and we spent an eye opening few hours in the pitch black in an outback Ugandan town waiting to be rescued!  A bull/sheep/cow/chicken/goat/African child/mosquito dodging experience none of us will forget in a hurry !


UK and Ugandan students celebrated the end of the JIYN 2012 international conference with a campfire. Groups performed songs, dances and mimes to entertain one another. By far the winning entry was the highly popular CBA staff rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody complete with torches, fake moustaches and some serious moshing

We ate traditional goat meat roasted on the open fire (another step closer to vegetarianism for Mrs Isaksen)


The CBA chickens live in luxury compared to this lot. The Ugandan people rely heavily on eggs for omlettes and meat.  I can safely say I am almost vegetarian again.


Poor Mrs Featherstone had a head-on collision with a giant flying cockroach. Luckiily se saw the funy side as the students screamed with fright!

Discovery Centre, Jinja

Gorgeous grounds overlooking Lake Victoria

The girl's bedroom (check out the blue mosquito nets) was VERY cosy and the bathroom facilities made us all appreciate the luxury we have at home.  The girls developed thighs of steel using their toilet whilst Mrs Isaksen shared the ice cold shower with a few hundred ants.

Typical Ugandan food.  Lots of rice, plantain bananas and  nut sauce (the conspicuous brown stuff)

Friday, 2 November 2012


Food so far...
Tuesday: croissant, chicken salad, stew, yoghurt, cake, ice cream, coke, cheese, wraps... (we all landed slightly heavier than we planned)

Wednesday: Breakfast-carrot omlete, sausages and sweet bread
Dinner: chapatti, fish, bean stew

Thursday: Breakfast: toast and omlette
Lunch (at the beach resort)  hamburger chips and salad
Dinner:mince, pasta, brown rice, lentil stew, plantain(we think)


Thursday ended with a shopping trip in Jinja town where we purchased lots of gifts!  A few paintnings were bought by staff and we are slightly concerned about how we will get these back to the UK :(  The shop owners were all very friendly and so grateful that we bought lots of presents. Laden with friendship bracelets, stuffed toys, a Noah's ark, clothing and scarves we boarded the beloved bus and headed back tot he discovery centre.

Having an amazing time but never going to get used to ice cold showers.

Source of the Nile

Today was AMAZING as we went on a boat trip down the Nile.  This point in Uganda is believed to be the source of the Nile and it was beautiful. The sun was shining as we boarded the tiny little boat. We spotted lots of unusual birds, kingfishers, monkeys and giant lizards (the size of crocodiles).

After the boat trip we visited the Kingfisher Beach Resort which was fabulous.We had lunch and a game of crazy golf and a chance to relax in the sun to reflect on our visit to primary schools and the Nile.

photos to follow (itis still torrential rain.....)

Primary School Visit

Today we visited the local primary schools. We went round each classroom and saw how students were being taught. They were all very welcoming and loved us talking to them about different things, and asking questions about what subjects and topics they are studying. In one of the schools they did a singing performance for us, and had to students playing the bongo drum alongside it.

The classrooms were nothing like ours and there were very few resources.  Some students stood up leaning on window sills to write as classrooms were so small.  Despite the conditions they all had big smiles and their work was amazing!  No graffiti on books!!!!

photos to follow (it is torrential rain outside and Klaudi has left the camera in another building)

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Jinja Village

We walked to the local village and met the locals (and their pets) today.  They were so friendly and pleased to see us. The children were fascinated by our cameras and wanted lots of photographs.  The scenes were a shock to us all as so many people live in such small huts amongst their livestock. The children ran about playfully barefoot in the mud with torn clothing. There wasn't a toy in sight as they chewed on sugar cane but the most obvious thing was how happy everyone was.  Looking forward to visiting the source of the Nile tomorrow :)

Girl's room Discovery Centre

Not the biggest room for 10 people and we are not sure how well the mosquito nets will actually work!  Off to bed to see how we will cope!

Broken down bus

Ugandan roads + 19 people + lots of luggage = broken down bus!

The Journey So Far

The jouney started at 1am when we left Corby excited for our big trip!!!  Two flights,via Brussels and Rwanda, (and 10 hours later) we landed on very red soil! Having consumed an excessive amount of food on board, watched countless films and endured Klaudia's snoring we were grateful to be here at last! 

The minibus that took us to our flight motel was a little crammed to say the least (and nearly lost a student through an open door).Clearly health and safety standards here are not quite like back at home.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Packing ready for big trip

After a year of fundraising and preparations we are almost ready to head to Uganda!!! Whilst my  teaching colleagues have had their feet up for a couple of days, I've spent the weekend trying to close my case.....

...Hair products, straighteners, clothes for all eventualities, waterproof mascara, 15 skipping ropes, 400 pencils, suntan lotion, 5 pairs of new shoes,  baby wipes (why will we need these KIFA?), four handbags, sunglasses, mosquito repellent, plasters (for the new shoes), dry shampoo, kindle (with recommendations from LOCO), a minnie mouse beach towel and pyjamas my nan would wear (will be sharing a room with a stranger)....
...... Somehow i get the feeling that all of this 'stuff' will be rather unimportant this time next week.

- Mrs Isaksen

Monday, 22 October 2012

Corby Business Academy group off to Uganda this month

Corby Business Academy's Head of Sixth Form Kim Isaksen, our Head Girl Ellie Mae Moore and Year 13 student Klaudia Chalubinska will travel to Uganda in October for an international conference at the Discovery Centre.

They will be posting updates and pictures here during their travels.